Category Archives: SQL Server

10 SQL Server Data Warehouse Design Best Practices to Follow (Part 1 )

This past Saturday I had the pleasure of speaking at SQL Saturday #552 here in beautiful Jacksonville, Florida. My good friend, Mitch Pearson (blog | twitter) and I presented our session, Designing a Data Warehouse from the Ground Up. We had a great crowd and lots of great questions from the audience!

Watch Designing a Data Warehouse from the Ground Up Webinar Recording

With all the talk about designing a data warehouse and best practices, I thought I’d take a few moment to jot down some of my thoughts around best practices and things to consider when designing your data warehouse. Below you’ll find the first five of ten data warehouse design best practices that I believe are worth considering. This list isn’t meant to be the ten best “best practices” to follow and are in no particular order. Of course, each design scenario is different so you may find that some of the best practices listed here aren’t optimal in your specific situation.

Continue reading 10 SQL Server Data Warehouse Design Best Practices to Follow (Part 1 )

What’s New in Power BI Webinar Recording is Available

Thank you to everyone that attended my webinar with the PASS Excel BI Virtual Chapter today! I’d also like to thank Thomas LeBlanc for having me to present. I had a great time presenting on the newest features of Power BI and what features you will see in the near future. Continue reading What’s New in Power BI Webinar Recording is Available

Microsoft & R Programming Session Materials & Resources Available

Last Thursday night I had the pleasure of speaking with Gregory Kramer and his friends at the Madison, WI Power BI User Group. We took an introductory look at how Microsoft’s acquisition of Revolution Analytics is making serious waves across the Microsoft data platform. We also walked through leveraging R in Power BI and SQL Server 2016.

New to R & Power BI? Start here.

R visuals in Power BI

Continue reading Microsoft & R Programming Session Materials & Resources Available

My Top Four Books for the MS Business Intelligence Professional

As a Business Intelligence Consultant, I do a decent amount of speaking, interacting with the community, and have written and contributed on a few SQL Server books. A question I’m often asked is if I can recommend any good books which brings me to this blog post. I wanted to make you aware of four books for learning data warehousing and  other MS BI technologies that I’ve found incredibly helpful over the years I’ve spent designing and implementing enterprise data warehouse and business intelligence solutions. Continue reading My Top Four Books for the MS Business Intelligence Professional

Learn Designing a Data Warehouse from the Ground Up at SQL Saturday 442 Orlando, FL

image I’m very excited to announce that I’ve been selected to present a session entitled Designing a Data Warehouse from the Ground Up on October 10, 2015 in Orlando, Florida at Seminole State College of Florida! I’ll be presenting this session for the first time along side Mitchell Pearson (b|t). This is going to be an amazing event with tons of amazing, FREE training for everyone including SQL server newbies on up to those who have been in the profession for years. Continue reading Learn Designing a Data Warehouse from the Ground Up at SQL Saturday 442 Orlando, FL

TSQL Script to Find Foreign Key References to a Given Column

It’s always kind of a pain to have to hunt down all those foreign key references so you can address the issues. So I put this script together (based on a script found on StackOverflow) in order to help me find all the required information related to a particular column in a specified table. I’m mostly posting this for my own reference later and for anyone else that may find this useful, so enjoy!

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(f.object_id) as ForeignKeyConstraintName,
    OBJECT_NAME(f.parent_object_id) TableName,
    COL_NAME(fk.parent_object_id,fk.parent_column_id) ColumnName,
    OBJECT_NAME(fk.referenced_object_id) as ReferencedTableName,
    COL_NAME(fk.referenced_object_id,fk.referenced_column_id) as ReferencedColumnName

FROM sys.foreign_keys AS f
    INNER JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns AS fk 
        ON f.OBJECT_ID = fk.constraint_object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.tables t
        ON fk.referenced_object_id = t.object_id

WHERE OBJECT_NAME(fk.referenced_object_id) = 'your table name'
    and COL_NAME(fk.referenced_object_id,fk.referenced_column_id) = 'your key column name'

Here’s a picture of what the results look like. I ran this query against the ReportServer database used for SSRS in case you were wondering.

T-SQL to find FK key columns

If you want to find every Foreign Key in your database, just eliminate the Where clause to bring back all the FKs. Hopefully you found this as useful as I did.

Generate a Date Table via Common Table Expression (CTE)

Occasionally I find myself needing to generate a small table with a list of dates for various queries I may be running. To do this, I usually leverage the Date dimension since I do most of my work in BI environments with a traditional data warehouse. But if you don’t have access to a Date dimension table, you can quickly generate a date table using Continue reading Generate a Date Table via Common Table Expression (CTE)

T-SQL Script to Dynamically Create Table, Build Clustered Columnstore Index, and Partition Switch

Recently myself and Mitchell Pearson (blog|twitter) were working on a project for a client that required us to load a ton of data (dozens of TBs) into some tables each built with a clustered columnstore index. We discovered during testing that the fastest way to get that much data into the clustered columnstore index is to create an empty uncompressed table, load the data into the uncompressed table, then apply the clustered columnstore index to the table, and partition switch the data into the main table. In order to facilitate this, I created this script to dynamically create a copy of the target table (without the columnstore index), create the clustered columnstore index, and then do the partition switch automatically.

Continue reading T-SQL Script to Dynamically Create Table, Build Clustered Columnstore Index, and Partition Switch

Script To Populate AdventureWorksDW DimDate

I do quite a bit of training for Pragmatic Works so I find myself working a lot with the AdventureWorksDW data warehouse database. AdventureWorksDW is a great test database if you’re wanting to demonstrate a concept or test a theory, but one of the things that has always bugged me is that the date dimension (dbo.DimDate) has holes in the data! Having a complete date dimension is important when working with SSAS. Well yesterday was the final straw, so I put together the following script that will fill in the missing dates in DimDate. You can specify a start date and end date and make the AdventureWorksDW DimDate date dimension as big as you like. Enjoy!


declare @startdate date = '2005-01-01',
    @enddate date = '2014-12-31'

IF @startdate IS NULL
        Select Top 1 @startdate = FulldateAlternateKey
        From DimDate 
        Order By DateKey ASC 

Declare @datelist table (FullDate date)

while @startdate <= @enddate

    Insert into @datelist (FullDate)
    Select @startdate

    Set @startdate = dateadd(dd,1,@startdate)


 Insert into dbo.DimDate 

select convert(int,convert(varchar,dl.FullDate,112)) as DateKey,
    datepart(dw,dl.FullDate) as DayNumberOfWeek,
    datename(weekday,dl.FullDate) as EnglishDayNameOfWeek,
    (Select top 1 SpanishDayNameOfWeek From DimDate Where EnglishDayNameOfWeek = datename(weekday,dl.FullDate)) as SpanishDayNameOfWeek,
    (Select top 1 FrenchDayNameOfWeek From DimDate Where EnglishDayNameOfWeek = datename(weekday,dl.FullDate)) as FrenchDayNameOfWeek,
    datepart(d,dl.FullDate) as DayNumberOfMonth,
    datepart(dy,dl.FullDate) as DayNumberOfYear,
    datepart(wk, dl.FUllDate) as WeekNumberOfYear,
    datename(MONTH,dl.FullDate) as EnglishMonthName,
    (Select top 1 SpanishMonthName From DimDate Where EnglishMonthName = datename(MONTH,dl.FullDate)) as SpanishMonthName,
    (Select top 1 FrenchMonthName From DimDate Where EnglishMonthName = datename(MONTH,dl.FullDate)) as FrenchMonthName,
    Month(dl.FullDate) as MonthNumberOfYear,
    datepart(qq, dl.FullDate) as CalendarQuarter,
    year(dl.FullDate) as CalendarYear,
    case datepart(qq, dl.FullDate)
        when 1 then 1
        when 2 then 1
        when 3 then 2
        when 4 then 2
    end as CalendarSemester,
    case datepart(qq, dl.FullDate)
        when 1 then 3
        when 2 then 4
        when 3 then 1
        when 4 then 2
    end as FiscalQuarter,
    case datepart(qq, dl.FullDate)
        when 1 then year(dl.FullDate)
        when 2 then year(dl.FullDate)
        when 3 then year(dl.FullDate) + 1
        when 4 then year(dl.FullDate) + 1
    end as FiscalYear,
    case datepart(qq, dl.FullDate)
        when 1 then 2
        when 2 then 2
        when 3 then 1
        when 4 then 1
    end as FiscalSemester

from @datelist dl left join 
    DimDate dd 
        on dl.FullDate = dd.FullDateAlternateKey
Where dd.FullDateAlternateKey is null 

I’ve tested the script against AdventureWorksDW2012 and AdventureWorksDW2008R2 and it worked great.
Let me know if you found this useful! Thanks for reading!

Pragmatic Works Release Doc xPress Server Edition

This month marks the official release of Pragmatic Works’ Doc xPress Server Edition! While everyone knows that Doc xPress gives you the capability to document your SQL Server databases, SSIS packages, SSAS cubes, and SSRS reports in way like no other tool. But with the release of the Server Edition, you can now host your documentation to a hosted web application making it now easier than ever to share documentation, lineage, and data dictionary information across your organization. Imagine being able to provide your technical users as well as your business users a one-stop-shop to all of your organization’s technical documentation without requiring anything to be installed on their desktop! Doc xPress Server Edition provides that capability!

Being able to view your Doc xPress-generated documentation online means that your technical team can quickly and easily assess the impact of changes in your BI environment by conducting a thorough lineage and impact analysis. What SSIS packages, SSRS reports, or SSAS cubes will be affected if I change a single column? Now you know!

How many times have you wondered what your environment looked like in the past? With Doc xPress, you can periodically snapshot your environment and compare snapshots over time so you can quickly and easily assess any changes that have occurred. And now you can view the documentation in your web browser without the need for any desktop configuration or installation.

If Doc xPress Server Edition sounds interesting and you’d like more information on the software, Pragmatic Works is presenting a free online webinar on the technology July 30th at 1:00 pm EST! Head over to (you’ll need to scroll down a screen or two) to get signed up and registered for the event.